5 Things You Can Do To Raise Awareness For #Tezos
From social media engagement, to hosting/attending events, to creating content, here are 5 things you can do to raise awareness about #Tezos.
Originally published at Tezos Commons News
950 words, 5 minute read

#Tezos development is like a well-oiled machine, it keeps undergoing amazing developments in the recent years via upgrades, thanks to its focus on governance, security, and scalability. However, as with any nascent technology, it can be challenging to raise awareness and attract new users to the ecosystem. Just like the proverb, ‘it takes a village to raise a child’, this is where we ALL can help pitch in, and yes, every little bit helps!
If you are a #Tezos community member or a #Tezos enthusiast like me, at some point you might have asked yourself, ‘what can I do as a community member to help’ ? In this article, we will explore 5 ways that anyone can help to raise awareness for #Tezos.
1. Social Media Engagement #Tezos #

Social media is a powerful tool for raising awareness and attracting new users to the #Tezos ecosystem. By engaging with users on platforms such as Twitter, Reddit, Discord, and Telegram, we can create a more welcoming and informative environment. This could involve sharing news and updates about #Tezos, answering questions and giving directions to potential users, and participating in discussions.
It was through social media platforms that people learned about Hic Et Nunc back in the day which started the whole #Tezos NFT scene and it all started with just a few tweets that caught the attention of the first artists. One of the simplest things that can be done, especially if you’re a Twitter user is to use #Tezos when talking about #Tezos. It’s easy to do and doesn’t cost a penny.
2. Hosting And Participating In Events #

Hosting and participating in events is another effective way to raise awareness for #Tezos. Events such as meetups, hackathons, and conferences provide opportunities for developers, enthusiasts, and other stakeholders to network, share knowledge, and showcase their projects.
A good example of such events are the various #Tezos social meetups that are organized around the world which you can keep an eye out for. If there is none around your area, you can even organize your own. (#Tezos Commons is interested in helping you with meetups so feel free to reach out to us!)
Lastly, there are a lot of online or virtual events like discord shows, twitter spaces, etc. that make it easy for anyone to attend. For a list of such events you can check out my “Tezos News, Shows and Community Calls!” article.
3. Creating Content #

Creating content is a powerful way to raise awareness for #Tezos. As a #Tezos community member, you can create content in various formats such as blog posts, articles, or podcasts to educate people about #Tezos and its benefits.
Other forms of content can be infographics, videos, articles, and guide translations in multiple languages or even some funny memes that people are keen to share on social media which will draw more attention to #Tezos.
Through our #Tezos Commons “Community Rewards Program” we have rewarded a lot of community created content and we would love to reward more people, so if you do create such content, make sure you nominate your self for it!
4. Learn About And Use Tezos DApps #

Decentralized applications (“DApps”) are the backbone of the blockchain ecosystem, and in #Tezos we could help raise awareness for the platform by using dApps on #Tezos and sharing our experiences. By doing so, we can showcase the potential of the platform and attract more users to the ecosystem.
With the super low gas fees on #Tezos, it really doesn’t take much to try out and experiment with Defi, NFTs, Games, or any other category of DApps on #Tezos. The feedback you could give to the teams to make their Dapps better will result in a better product which will lead to more users. Having more users can create a snowball effect where it attracts more people to try the DApp out which is another way of contributing to raising awareness for the #Tezos ecosystem. Remember, every little bit helps.
5. Be Positive AND Welcoming #

Finally, even if you don’t have the time to do any of the previous points, you can help to raise awareness for the platform by being positive AND welcoming to new users. Creating a welcoming environment can go a long way in attracting new users to the ecosystem while also encouraging them to explore the potential of the platform.
Nobody likes toxic and negative environments so as a community we should welcome new users with open arms, answer their questions, and provide guidance on how to get started with #Tezos. By doing so, we can create a more supportive and engaging community that encourages new users to explore the platform. For the OG users, we should be extending the helping hand to those outside the community and embrace their journey with #Tezos.

In conclusion, there are many ways that we can help to raise awareness for #Tezos as community members. From social media engagement, to hosting/attending events, to creating content, every little bit helps. By building and using DApps on #Tezos and creating a welcoming community, we as a community can help showcase the capabilities of #Tezos and attract new users to the ecosystem. We are all in this together, and remember, every little bit helps!