Building a JavaScript App on the Blockchain with Jstz

In this video, Developer Advocate Beata Lipska demonstrates how to build a simple JavaScript link shortener application on the blockchain, powered by Jstz.


Jstz is a JavaScript-based Smart Rollup being built on Tezos and a fundamental stepping stone towards an interoperable future as per the Tezos X vision. By adding support to the JavaScript ecosystem to Tezos, Jstz opens the doors to innovation – as well as to millions of existing JS developers around the globe.

In this video tutorial, Developer Advocate Beata Lipska takes you through the steps to build a simple link shortener application using JavaScript – on the blockchain! You’ll learn how to set up your environment, write the smart function, deploy it, and test it.

Ready to take Jstz for a spin? Head to the Jstz GitHub repo now and get cracking!