Hidden Gems of the Tezos Ecosystem: 5 Tezos Tools You Might Not Know About

A look into some powerful yet lesser-known Tezos tools that you may not be familiar with—but definitely should be.

Originally published at Tezos Commons News

By Cryptonio.tez


850 words, 5 minute read

Hidden Gems3

Regardless of how active we are in the Tezos ecosystem, I think that it’s impossible to keep track and stay updated on everything. This means that there are probably some Tezos related stuff that we often miss completely, stuff that if we knew about, might come in very handy in our Tezos journey.

In this article, I thought I would create a list with a few Tezos tools that I’m sure many people aren’t aware of, and that could be useful for artists, collectors, developers, or even holders and enthusiasts. Let’s have a look.

1. Bandog #

First up on the list, we got Bandog. A free to use set of tools created by a very active community member (Jack Tezos), that is designed to help artists and collectors on their journey inside the Tezos ecosystem. Bandog allows users to track and analyze their sales and mints, to spot bad actors and suspicious transaction patterns, as well as a personally curated feed and network visualization to better picture your connections and impact in the ecosystem.

It’s worth mentioning that you can use all those tools simply by pasting your wallet address, and there is no need to connect your wallet. For more info on Bandog and its tools, you can check my “Bandog: The Secret Weapon for Tezos Artists and Collectors” article.

2. XTZChad #

XTZChad is another set of tools built by a community member known as DoctorChad. These tools are all open-source and they are focused on Tezos staking as well as other analytics for the Tezos ecosystem.

From staking and comparing bakers that you can stake with, getting snapshots for your node, and tracking wallets with inflows and outflows to identify connections to having fun watching visualizations or playing with various scenarios for the Tezos staking ratio and issuance. Definitely a website you should keep in mind (or your bookmarks). If you wanna learn more details about each of its tools, make sure to check out my “From Staking to Fun: Unveiling’s Tools” article.

3. TzFlow #

Next up on the list is TzFlow, another cool tool that you might not be aware of. With Tzflow, you can watch the Tezos network activity live. From simple tez transfers to NFT sales, token swaps, and much more. On top of that, it shows interesting Tezos metrics like the average fees, transactions per second, volume of the network, and more.

Believe it or not, hardcore users are finding opportunities in those transactions by watching mass sales of a specific NFT, swaps in specific smart contracts and generally identifying sudden patterns that occur in the network. If that sounds too much for you, you should still try it out as I’m sure at the very least, you’ll find new Tezos projects that you weren’t aware of showing up in the transactions.

4. TzSafe #

Time to get into the more geeky stuff. TzSafe is a tool that allows you to easily create a multi signature (multi-sig) wallet, and when I say easily, I mean in like 3 steps. Multi-sig wallets allow multiple people to control a wallet, requiring a specific number of them to approve any transactions.

These kinds of wallets are ideal for teams, collaborators, and other cases where multiple parties need to control funds collectively and they need extra security for them. Tzsafe takes this concept and makes it accessible to everyone, through their website that offers an easy to understand UI. If you would like to learn more about multi-sig wallets and the tzsafe tool, I have written a guide that walks you through the whole process here.

5. Homebase #

Last but not least, Tezos Homebase is a tool that allows anyone to create a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) with just a few clicks. Even if you don’t have a governance token for your DAO, Homebase allows you to easily create one and distribute it to the people you want.

With the most recent update of the tool, it is also possible to have tez-based voting for your DAO if you prefer that. Its interface is pretty intuitive and it makes the creation and management of DAOs a piece of cake. It’s no wonder DAOS like the Tezos Domains, Tezos Ecosystem DAO, Crunchy network, and many others have used it for their governance.

With the Tezos ecosystem and especially the art scene growing so fast, it’s impossible to keep up with all the tools and projects that come out. That means that there are many more tools that need to be discovered and highlighted. So if you know some that you feel should be on this list, put them down in the comments and I will try to cover them in “Part II” of this article.

Let’s support and share the work of our community builders and let’s make sure their work is seen by as many people as possible. And hey, at the same time, you might make the life of many fellow Tezos users easier. Artists, collectors, developers, or enthusiasts, there are definitely tools that can help you in your Tezos journey. So what are you waiting for, go ahead and check them out!