Introducing The Winners of Round One Of The Ecosystem DAO Proposals
A short introduction of the projects behind the winning proposals of the Ecosystem DAO round 1.
700 words, 4 minute read

The Tezos Ecosystem DAO has concluded its first round of funding, with two proposals being approved and funded. During the process, we received a lot of feedback for improvements and we saw great discussions taking place around the various proposals. That feedback was extremely valuable and will be considered as the Ecosystem DAO improves.
Round 1 concluded with 4 out of the 5 DAO signers voting for various proposals with only 2 out of the 10 proposals receiving at least 3 votes and getting approved for funding by the DAO treasury.
Now that the inaugural first round is wrapped up, it’s time to shine a spotlight on the two winning proposals and the projects they represent.
1. TezID #

The first winner of round one for the Ecosystem DAO proposals is TezID, a profile system built on the Tezos blockchain. The project received 5000 tez for its goal which is to provide users with a way to create portable and verifiable profiles that can be used to prove ownership of digital assets, such as email addresses and phone numbers.
The idea here is to set up your profile by connecting your wallet with an email address/phone number/profile picture and then be able to use that profile in various dapps without having to set up new profiles for each application you connect to.
Addressing security concerns, TezID takes a robust approach. It only stores information indicating that a user has registered a proof, without linking specific digital properties (like email addresses) to Tezos addresses. The oracle, likewise, stores a hashed representation of properties, making it highly secure, even in the event of a breach.
According to the Tezos Ecosystem DAO proposal/application, the project will be open-sourced and decentralized and the funds will be used to achieve the following milestones/goals:
- Profile Smart Contract
- Indexer
- Restful API
Project-related links:
A very worthwhile and needed proposal, I can’t wait to see the development!
2. Gonut (Tezos Tip-Bot on Telegram) #

The concept here is pretty straightforward, Gonut, is a bot for Telegram with which users can tip other users with tez and Tezos-based tokens. If you are a Telegram user, you can easily start using it by sending a direct message to the bot and using the commands to set up your wallet. From there you can either fund your wallet yourself or accept tips from other users.

Gonut is already in the most popular Tezos telegram groups like Tezos Platform, Tezos Trader, Tezforce, and more. Moreover, Gonut offers you the flexibility to include it in any group of your choosing, expanding its reach to meet your specific needs.
Regarding funding, Gonut received 2000 tez which will be used for maintenance, polishing of the project, and adding new features like token swap and more. You can see the full application on Tezos Agora.
Project-related links:
Round 2 Begins! #

With round 1 wrapped up, it’s important to remember that community discussions around proposals for round 2 are still ongoing and you can partake in the action at the Tezos Agora Forum!
The Tezos Ecosystem DAO has kick-started its mission of funding projects with great success. We encourage you to explore these winning projects further, engage with their teams, and follow their progress closely. We also encourage you to make a proposal if you think you have an idea that merits funding.
Please keep an eye out for updates and developments, as we move into an exciting new phase of growth and transformation. Together, we can continue to build and shape a more decentralized and inclusive future for all! Congrats to the round 1 winners and I can’t wait to see how round 2 shapes up.