Just Published: The Baking Sheet - Issue #116
An update on Kathmandu, a new NFT collection, and a chance to redesign the iconic Gap logo.
200 words, 1 minute read

Photo by Rodion Kutsaev / Unsplash
The team at Tezos Commons has just published the 116th edition of its weekly digest of news and events in the Tezos Ecosystem, . Issue #116 celebrates the latest milestone in the Tezos protocol, the 11th upgrade, Kathmandu, which has reached quorum. Kathmandu, and the next, as yet unnamed ‘L’ upgrade, will prepare the ground for increased scaling, which is vitally crucial in the near term as Tezos grows.
Also featured in this week’s Baking Sheet is a look at the Naan Collection, a new NFT gallery by Tezos wallet developers Naan, curated by Varun Desia, Head of Arts & Culture at Tezos India. If that doesn’t sate your creative urge, clothing giant Gap is currently running the #GapLogoRemix challenge, where budding artists can take a shot at redesigning the iconic Gap logo. Prizes include up to $15,000 in cash, and the chance to get your design featured on a Gap hoodie and as a Gap Threads NFT.
Read Issue #116 of The Baking Sheet