Minty Fresh: Edition 61
What happens when artists remove color from the canvas/screen? Let's find out.
950 words, 5 minute read

Welcome back to Minty Fresh, your weekly roundup of the latest, freshest NFTs found from across the Tezos ecosystem. This week, our secret word - well, it’s more of a phrase - is: “black and white.” What happens when an artists removes color from the canvas/screen? Let’s find out.

Read on for some monochromatic mints found on Kalamint, fx(hash),, Versum, and .
I would paint you a picture of the sky on fire
But the colors escape my mind
Finding vibrance in monochrome and life through wires
Projections in black and white
1. Senza titolo #
“minted 09/30/2022 for #henreunion event”
Senza titolo@TeiaArt@objktcom
My work for #HENreunion#midjourney , photoshop, photomosh
90/100 ed first 30 @ 0.75 #tezos
Link in comments
⬇️👀👀👀⬇️— nicola villa (@nicolavilla5) September 30, 2022
Let’s get started with this beautiful photograph from Italian digital artist Nicola Vella, minted as part of last month’s #HENreunion event. The mood and pose of this striking woman brings to mind old French new wave films - Anna Karina looking away from the camera for a moment of privacy. Vella’s manipulations take this vintage style and mood, often associated with a black and white color palette, and pushes it into the future. Check it out on .
“Readers write poetry’s survival.”
My fave part of The Odyssey is in POEMS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN.
Penelope asks Odysseus to move their bed as a test. B/c he carved it from a rooted tree, it’s unmovable + only he knows this. He contains his wild temper to respond, making this part funny, tender, beautiful.
— Ana María Caballero (@CaballeroAnaMa) October 27, 2022
What’s black and white and read all over? The poems of Ana María Caballero of course! With the help of generative artist Hieroglyphica, Caballero has released this generative poetry collection Poems in the Public Domain, a unique art piece in which 14 readers take turns discovering 30 classic works of poetry. By re-contextualizing and rediscovering these works in the context of a generative art piece, and by seeing other readers’ notes and marginalia, collectors will “celebrate the role of the reader in shaping the life of a poem.” Celebrate poetry and this collaboration on fx(hash).
3. AI-PH-25 #
“Camera-less photographs created by chance driven by written prompts.”
AI- PH- 25
Art by - @kilsypix (IG)
— Kalamint (@kalamint_io) October 27, 2022
This work is what Miami-based illustrator, photographer, and AI artist Kilsy refers to as an “AI-ogram,” AI-generated photography that doesn’t require the use of a camera at all. The artist describes this as “a series of abstractions and dreams stitched together by light and letters.” Perhaps the future of black & white photography will all be created on a computer, no 35mm necessary. Find it on Kalamint.
4. Catenary Brutalism 03 #
“Surface generated with textile simulation and rendered with low polygon count to produce a hard-edged vector space.”
Minted and swapped on @versumofficial:
Catenary Brutalism 03, 4000x4000px PNG, ed of 16 @ 9tz
Catenary Brutalism 12, 4000x4000px PNG, ed of 16 @ 9tz
— Marius Watz (@mariuswatz) October 25, 2022
If you take “black and white” and add “architecture,” you most likely will get brutalism. One of the most geometric, austere building styles has found its way to the blockchain, thanks to this series from Norwegian artist Marius Watz. Based on a series originally made in 2013, Catenary Brutalism explores the mathematics behind a chain of black and white blocks. Your imagination can take you anywhere while looking at these - icebergs, Transformers, an electronic musician’s latest album cover. Let your mind go wild and check out these works on Versum.
5. Arcana sanctum #222 #
“Sketches made by an anthropologist based on ancient texts describing the purgatory where lost souls wander.”
Arcana sanctum #222
— anaglyphic (@anaglyph_ic) October 26, 2022
Reading the description for Arcana sanctum can only be described as “whoa.” This interactive work from Anaglyphic takes you through a series of black and white purgatories - finely detailed line drawings of unusual constructions floating in space. It is an eerie experience, thinking about hell on the blockchain, and for the moments in which you toggle and drag your mouse through the scene, it’s hard not to think of yourself as the wandering lost soul. Wander with us on fx(hash).
6. Chaos is not messy #
“…After a period of chaos a new order will emerge…”
‘Chaos is not messy’ by @VicDoval
1 of 1
Reserve: 60 XTZPart of @vcaresidency 4th cohort Auction Event
— verticalcryptoart (@verticalcrypto) October 26, 2022
This interactive jigsaw from artist Vic Doval explores our need to control and find order in our lives. Doval sums it perfectly: “With Chaos is not messy, the artist also exposes the permanent search for order to which the mind is subjected to. And as this order cannot be maintained, he invites us to open ourselves up to find beauty and perfection in the chaos that each moment offers to us.” Chaos is not messy was created for the 4th cohord of the VerticalCrypto Art Residency program. Check it out on .