COMMUNITYJanuary 31, 2023Lending on TezosIn previous articles I’ve talked about various Tezos DeFi products like Ctez, the Liquidity baking feature(which also explains how liquidity pools work) and I also made a “Tezos Defi Map” which lists most of the important projects and tools of Tezos Defi separated in categories.By Cryptonio.tezTEZOS COMMONS
GENERALDecember 12, 2022Self-custody & Crypto Wallets on Tezos that Make it Easy (Part 2)In part 2, we take a look at some of the wallet solutions currently available for the Tezos blockchain.TEZOS FOUNDATION
GENERALDecember 7, 2022Understanding Custodial Solutions & Self-custody in Crypto (Part 1)In the first part of a 2-part series, we explain the difference between custodial services and self-custody, and explore their respective benefits and tradeoffs.TEZOS FOUNDATION
GENERALDecember 6, 2022Tezos (XTZ) Comes to Coinbase Japan, a Leading Exchange Serving the Japanese MarketThe announcement marks a major step towards increasing the presence of Tezos in a key Asian market.TEZOS FOUNDATION
TECHNOLOGYNovember 23, 2022Introducing 3Route - A Next-gen Tezos DEX Aggregator for More Efficient Trading3Route automatically identifies the best trading routes across multiple Tezos-supported DEXs to deliver the best exchange rates, all in one swap.TEZOS FOUNDATION
GENERALNovember 16, 2022Tezos DeFi in 2022: The Current State of P2P Lending & Borrowing2022 has seen a new cohort of DeFi applications on the Tezos blockchain, with the emergence of three peer-to-peer (P2P) lending and borrowing protocols.TEZOS FOUNDATION
GENERALNovember 7, 2022Smartlink Launches Web3 Escrow MarketplaceSmartlink just launched their long awaited web3 escrow market place on the Tezos blockchain.TEZOS FOUNDATION
TECHNOLOGYNovember 1, 2022Overview: Active DAOs on TezosIn this article, we're reviewing the status of several DAOs currently active on the Tezos blockchain.TEZOS FOUNDATION
GENERALOctober 18, 2022InstaDEX - An AMM on Tezos to Help Mitigate Impermanent LossInstadex is a new kind of decentralized exchange that helps to mitigate the usual risks of impermanent loss.TEZOS FOUNDATION
TECHNOLOGYOctober 12, - Offering Tezos offers a variety of decentralized finance (DeFi) tools and solutions to projects, developers, and everyday users in the Tezos ecosystem.TEZOS FOUNDATION