Tezos and Tacos Vancouver: The Word from the Street
I decided to put my ear to the street and talk to the folks operating and building in the Tezos ecosystem at Vancouver, Canada’s premiere monthly Tezos meetup: Tezos and Tacos!
Originally published at Tezos Commons News
850 words, 5 minute read

After the tumultuous year in the space that was 2022, one could be forgiven for wondering how those who’ve pitched their professional tents on the shifting ground of the blockchain industry are feeling about their prospects moving forward.
With so many questions swirling around this powerful new technology, its real world applications, and its emerging use-cases, has the boundless optimism of blockchain’s boom years dissipated? Or do those immersed in this fascinating space still believe in what they’re building? For the Tezos ecosystem, the answer is a resounding yes!
Here in the Tezos ecosystem, the building has continued throughout the peaks and valleys of the larger crypto landscape. We’ve seen no interruption to the steady stream of protocol upgrades voted on, adopted, and implemented by the Tezos community. New projects and applications have continued rolling off the assembly line. And, best of all, a veritable army of the best and brightest minds in the tech world have continued building for the Tezos-powered digital world of the future.
Amid the wavering consumer sentiment and mounds of negative press that had been heaped upon the blockchain industry in 2022, in the Tezos ecosystem, at least, it appears to be business as usual.
To find out why, I decided to put my ear to the street and ask the folks operating and building in the Tezos ecosystem myself, at Vancouver, Canada’s premiere monthly Tezos meetup: Tezos and Tacos!
For the fabulous folks in attendance, dressed in their Sunday best and with tacos in hand, I had one simple question:
What’s the outlook for the Tezos ecosystem in 2023? #
Here’s what they had to say…

Alireza — Senior Software Engineer
“Blockchain as a whole has passed the hype stage. It’s time for real use cases. Tezos is well positioned to gain a bigger market share this year if we can remove the barriers to entry. The crypto cake may be shrinking, but Tezos will get a bigger piece of it.”

Edward — Developer/Evangelist
“We’re well on our way to 1 million transactions per second becoming a reality here on Tezos, and that’s very exciting!”

Inna — Chief Product Officer
“I’m excited to bring more builders into the Tezos ecosystem in 2023. It’s very important to the growth of our ecosystem!”

Daniele — Lead SRE
“Let’s keep it smart, let’s keep it optimistic, let’s keep it rolling!”

An — Software Developer
“Tezos is its on way to 1 million transactions per second. This will increase usability and attract new users to Tezos this year, which is a very good thing for the heath of our ecosystem.”

Evald — Ops Admin
“Tezos is still competitive in 2023. We have low gas fees, an evolving chain, and a lot of advantages in this space.”

Gino — Systems Reliability Engineer
“The Tezos ecosystem is pretty stable. Protocol upgrades are still coming through. People are still building here. Change and growth are important, so I think Tezos’ outlook is very positive!”

Michael — Software Developer Embedded in Test
“Number go up! Buy more tez now! ***This is not financial advice.***”

Jev — Founder
“We’re busy building! Tezos scaling is nearly baked. Next up: better developer experience.”

Gerald — Creative Director
“I’m just here to learn about Tezos. I like the logo!”

Diane — Communications Manager
“I’m just here for the tacos!”
The Tezos community, it seems, remains entirely positive about the future of its ecosystem. And there’s plenty of reason for this optimism. With protocol upgrades being rolled out at a breakneck pace, a functional on-chain governance model enabling these upgrades to be adopted/implemented, and new tools and applications being built and unveiled seemingly by the day, Tezos remains startlingly well-positioned to play an important role in the Web 3.0-enabled digital world of the future.
For the movers and shakers and builders in attendance at Tezos and Tacos, at least, shutting out the noise, putting your head down, and building like no one’s watching appears to be the order of the day. And if that’s not a reason for optimism about Tezos’ future, I don’t know what is.